How To Write Tasty Video Scripts Your Customers Devour - Step Two: The Problem


Now that we know how to write The Hook to get your video ad started, it is time to dive into Step Two: The Problem. And remember our big principles: Be empathetic and be the guide, not the hero. Keep those in mind as we continue.

The Problem

During the problem step, you have 2 goals:

  1. Tell the audience what their problem is and

  2. Tell them how it makes them feel.

The problem is important, but the way it makes them feel is MOST important. We are emotional beings and act and buy off of those feelings...just ask my 3-year-old. Here are a few examples of problem/feeling.


Problem: John’s lawn sucks and his kids are forced to run around in the dirt and rocks.

Feeling: Watching his kids’ feet bleed after playing, he feels like a bad provider.


Problem: She hates her garlic press because it’s so hard to clean.

Feeling: While she’s scrubbing that thing, she misses her husband who’s in the other room.

Show your audience their pain and most importantly, show them how it makes them feel. Therapists do this all the time. They build trust with their patients by listening to their problems and feelings, and then just repeating it back to them. Repeating it back to the patient builds trust. If your audience feels known by you, they will trust you.

One last thing. When choosing the problem and feeling, make sure you choose the problem that your brand fixes. So, if you sell grills, I don’t want you talking about the audience's issue with overactive sweat glands. I want you to talk about how their old grill is broken down and it freaks them out, cause what if it explodes while cooking burgers for their friends.

HypeKick Case Study: Healtheeza

Alright, let’s watch how HypeKick did the problem section for our client who supplies all-natural supplements to women. Let’s take a look at the first 30-seconds to see how we approached Step 1 and Step 2.

Alright, so how did we do Step 1: The Hook? We said “hi.” Literally. We wrote “hi” in the script. Well, you might be asking why we didn’t say “Hi, tired millennial woman.” And I’m gonna bring up a point here that is really important. With video, you can say it or show it. So, instead of saying millennial woman, we just cast a millennial actress to play the part. The audience, women in their 30s, would immediately connect with her because...they are her.

What about Step 2: The Problem? We showed multiple problems for her: she can’t sleep, she can’t keep up with her to-do list, and her hair is falling out. The problems are clear. And what about how she feels? Well again, we didn’t say it (that would be too on the nose). Instead, we showed it. You can see how she is feeling all over her face. She’s feeling exhausted, stressed, and frustrated. Again, for Step 2: The Problem, your main goal is to establish trust with the audience by making them feel known. Like their therapist, repeat back to them their problem and how it makes them feel.

Great video marketing begins with a great video script.

The fact that you want video ads means you're smart. Data, trends, conversion rates all say that video marketing works. We created this free mini-course to help you convert your video ideas into a script format that is simple to use and most importantly, that works.



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How To Write Tasty Video Scripts Your Customers Devour - Step One: The Hook